This page is far from being an adequate guide for what to read, but it’s intended to present some suggestions for starting points. I have not read all the books myself, and I probably do not agree with all the authors. I will add more books along the way.

T.F. Torrance: The Trinitarian Faith
In the profound interaction between incarnation and atonement in Jesus, the blessed exchange it involved between the divine-human life of ...

Sergius Bulgakov: The Lamb of God
Sergius Bulgakov (1871–1944) was a Russian Orthodox theologian, philosopher, priest and economist. The Lamb of God is the first volume ...

Sergius Bulgakov: The Sophiology of Death: Essays on Eschatology: Personal, Political, Universal
What will be the final destiny of the human race at God's eschatological judgment? Will all be saved, or only ...

David Bentley Hart: That All Shall be Saved
Orthodox theologian and philosopher David Bentley Hart's book on universal salvation is arguably the most talked-about book on the subject ...

James Relly: The Great Salvation Contemplated
James Relly (1722–1778) was a Welshman, Methodist minister and Universalist theologian. Relly's theology is among the most radical examples of ...

Ilaria Ramelli: A Larger Hope? Universal Salvation from Christian Beginnings to Julian of Norwich
Ramelli traces the Christian roots of Origen’s teaching on apokatastasis. She argues that he was drawing on texts from Scripture ...

Elhanan Winchester: The Gospel Preached by the Apostles
Mercyuponall.org is happy to announce the first book in the Mercy Upon All booklet series: A new edition of Elhanan ...

A Larger Hope?, Volume 2: Universal Salvation from the Reformation to the Nineteenth Century
Robin A. Parry and Ilaria Ramelli, A Larger Hope?, Volume 2: Universal Salvation from the Reformation to the Nineteenth Century ...

David Bentley Hart: The New Testament – a Translation
In this new as-literal-as-it-gets translation of the New Testament, Orthodox scholar David Bentley Hart, seeks to remedy this by translating ...

Available now as paperback! The Everlasting Gospel by Georg Klein-Nicolai
A new paperback edition of Georg Klein-Nicolai's classic, The Everlasting Gospel, is now available on Amazon.com ...

Karl Barth: The Epistle to the Romans
Karl Barth, The Epistle to the Romans. Translated from the 6th edition by Edwyn C. Hoskyns, Bart., M.A. with a ...

Christoph Blumhardt: Action in Waiting
Blumhardt's dialectical point is that only when we are ready to wait for the coming Kingdom of God are we ...

Jürgen Moltmann: The Crucified God
In his important work, The Crucified God (first released in German in 1972 as Der gekreuzigte Gott. Das Kreuz Christi ...

Jacques Ellul: The Judgment of Jonah
Jacques Ellul, The Judgment of Jonah (Wipf & Stock 2011) "What is really intimated is the adventure of Jesus. What ...

On the Incarnation: Saint Athanasius (Popular Patristics) (translated by John Behr)
Athanasius, On the Incarnation (St Vladimirs Seminary Press 2012). John Behr is formerly the Dean of St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological ...

Jürgen Moltmann: The Coming of God
Jürgen Moltmann (1926-) is a German Reformed theologian and Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology at the University of Tübingen. In ...

Hans Urs von Balthasar: Dare We Hope That All Men Be Saved? With a Short Discourse on Hell
In this book Roman Catholic theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar defended what is sometimes called hopeful universalism, i.e. the belief ...

Thomas Talbott: The Inescapable Love of God
"The real mystery is why so many have failed to appreciate the universalism of the New Testament and why so ...

David Congdon: The God Who Saves – A Dogmatic Sketch
"Christian universalism has been explored in its biblical, philosophical, and historical dimensions. For the first time, The God Who Saves ...

Keith DeRose: Universalism and the Bible – The Really Good News
“Universalism is far from a mere doctrine of barren theology; many, like Paul, find great joy in the belief. [...] ...

New edition of Thomas Allin’s Christ Triumphant
Thomas Allin: "Christ Triumphant - or Universalism Asserted as the Hope of the Gospel on the Authority of Reason, the ...

Gerry Beauchemin: Hope Beyond Hell
"We need to recognize that God integrates both mercy and judgment. This factor is a crucial piece of the puzzle ...

Ilaria Ramelli: The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis
In this extensive work of scholarly literature Dr. Ilaria Ramelli goes into detail with the classical doctrine of universal restitution ...

Ramelli & Konstan: Terms for Eternity: Aiônios and Aïdios in Classical and Christian Texts
The words translated "eternal", "eternity" or "forever" in traditional Bible translations do not, in fact, mean eternity or eternal in ...

In the Hands of a Happy God: The "No-Hellers" of Central Appalachia
"Popularly known as the No-Hellers, this small Baptist sub-denomination rejects the notion of an angry God bent on punishment and ...

Anthology: “All Shall Be Well”
"All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well." - Julian of ...

Brad Jersak: Her Gates Will Never Be Shut – Hope, Hell, and the New Jerusalem
"Salvation is not a question of "turn or burn." We're burning already, but we don't have to be! Redemption! The ...

Gregory Macdonald: The Evangelical Universalist
“Can an orthodox Christian, committed to the historic faith of the church and the authority of the Bible, be a ...