
Christoph Blumhardt: He is Lord and Savior Over All

…will fill creation—so much so that every tongue in heaven and on earth and under the earth will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Philippians 2:10-11). This power, which makes holy what is evil, which redeems what is lost, will finally overcome all inhuman forces, all spirits that mock God, right down into the depths of hell. The victory is ours. God will be all in all. More Christoph Blumhardt books currently in print are available here:…


Thomas Whittemore: 100 Scriptural Proofs That Jesus Christ Will Save All Mankind

…nowise cast out.” (John 6:37) These three propositions are irrefragable evidence of the final happiness of all men. 1st. God hath given all things to Christ. 2d. All that God hath given him shall come to him; and 3d. him that cometh he will in nowise cast out. All are given; all shall come; and none shall be cast out. What is the unavoidable conclusion? THE WILL OF GOD 7. It is THE WILL of God that all men shall…


J. W. Hanson: Bible Threatenings Explained (1893)

…spoken of as identical with the “coming of the Lord.” Jesus had said: “And when ye see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.”–Luke xxi:20. Now Peter wrote this epistle to keep the church in remembrance of the prophecies of the coming event. He refers to those who asked, “Where is the promise of his coming?” (v.4) and added (v.42) “Watch, therefore, for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.” He gives, in…


D.P. Livermore: Proof Texts of Endless Punishment, Examined and Explained (1862)

…sayings of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand.” Rev. 22:10. In Revelations, Christ is represented as coming quickly—and “coming in clouds and all the kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.” Throughout the Evangelists similar language is employed to represent the second overthrow of the Jewish nation and the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. “And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven; and then shall all the…


J.W. Hanson: The Greek Word Aion-Aionios (1875)

…than the guidance of etymology. An ounce of usage is worth a pound of it. Etymology is theory, usage is fact. For instance, our common word prevent is compounded of præ and venio, to come or go before, and once it had that meaning, but it has long since lost it in common usage, in which it now means to hinder. Suppose two thousand years hence some one should endeavor to prove that in the year 1875 the word prevent…



More resources on Biblical Universalism Tentmaker Ministries Extensive repository of articles, books, etc. on biblical universalism. Another of Gary Amirault’s sites. The website of Thomas Talbott, Professor of Philosophy at Willamette University. Hope Beyond Hell The website for Gerry Beauchemin’s book. Universalism and the Bible: The Really Good News Biblical and philosophical arguments by Keith DeRose. The website for Julie Ferwerda’s book. Theological Scribbles Robin A. Parry’s blog. Website on Christian Universalism. The Calvinist Universalist By…


Videos from the Hope Conference (Oct. 9-10 2020), Helsinki, Finland Find the playlist here. See also…

Books Church History

Anthology: “All Shall Be Well”

…Nyssa (Steve Harmon) Julian of Norwich (Robert Sweetman) The Cambridge Platonists (Louise Hickman) James Relly (Wayne K. Clymer) Elhanan Winchester (Robin Parry) Friedrich Schleiermacher (Murray Rae) Thomas Erskine (Don Horrocks) George MacDonald (Thomas Talbott) P. T. Forsyth (Jason Goroncy) Sergius Bulgakov (Paul Gavrilyuk) Karl Barth (Oliver Crisp) Jaques Ellul (Andrew Goddard) J. A. T. Robinson (Trevor Hart) Hans Urs von Balthasar (Edward T. Oakes, SJ) John Hick (Lindsay Hall) Jürgen Moltmann (Nik Ansell)” Get it at or at


Wm. Paul Young & Brad Jersak: Judgment, Wrath, Hell and the God Who is Love William Paul Young and Brad Jersak discusses some heavy questions in church and theology based on their novel The Pastor: A Crisis. Well worth a listening too!…

Academia Theology

Recovering the Primitive Baptist doctrine of ‘Justification From Eternity’ in a non-particularistic framework

…without spiritual relevance, but a matter of pastoral care. Richardson opposes every tendency to place the event of justification in a feeling of assurance, as he argues that justification in the conscience is not justification itself. In other words, we need not fear, that we are not justified, even though we do not feel the full comfort of our justification yet. Assurance of justification is necessary to our comfort, but justification does not depend upon our knowledge of it. To…


Sergius Bulgakov: The Lamb of God

…but also mortality itself. He died with all humankind; His death included every human death, and it was equivalent to all the deaths in humankind. Christ’s death was universal and universally human, just as His sufferings, psychic and corporeal, dynamically included all human suffering. Herein lies the salvific and resurrecting power of Christ’s death, as the victory over death, as the “death for every man” (Heb. 2:9) — Sergius Bulgakov, The Lamb of God, p. 374-375 Get it here:…


Gregory of Nyssa: A treatise on First Corinthians 15:28 (In Illud)

…Once death has been destroyed – for if there are no persons who will die, not even death would exist – then we will be subjected to him; but this is not understood by some sort of servile humility. Our subjection, however, consists of a kingdom, incorruptibility and blessedness living in us; this is Paul’s meaning of being subjected to God. Christ perfects his good in us by himself, and effects in us what is pleasing to him. From…

Bible Threatenings Explained Theology

Hell (Gehenna) in the Bible

…i.e., abomination, detestation (from toph, to vomit with loathing).” (Jer. 8:32; 19:6; 2 Kings 23:10; Ezek. 23:36-39) “Gehenna, originally a Hebrew word, which signifies the valley of Hinnom, is composed of the common noun, Gee, valley, and the proper name Hinnom, the owner of this valley. The valley of the sons of Hinnom was a delightful vale, planted with trees, watered by fountains, and lying near Jerusalem, on the southeast, by the brook Kidron. Here the Jews placed that brazen…


Available now as paperback! The Everlasting Gospel by Georg Klein-Nicolai

Georg Klain-Nicolai (Paul Siegvolck), The Everlasting Gospel. 159 pages. Forlaget Apophasis (2018). A new paperback edition of Georg Klein-Nicolai’s classic, The Everlasting Gospel, is now available on The Everlasting Gospel was written by the German pastor Georg Klein-Nicolai of Friessdorf, Germany, under the pseudonym of Paul Siegvolck. This edition includes the original preface by Elhanan Winchester to the English translation from 1792. The new edition has a slightly modernized American English language, updated formatting and an index of Biblical…



…… Available now as paperback! The Everlasting Gospel by Georg Klein-Nicolai A new paperback edition of Georg Klein-Nicolai’s classic, The Everlasting Gospel, is now available on … Karl Barth: The Epistle to the Romans Karl Barth, The Epistle to the Romans. Translated from the 6th edition by Edwyn C. Hoskyns, Bart., M.A. with a … Christoph Blumhardt: Action in Waiting Blumhardt’s dialectical point is that only when we are ready to wait for the coming Kingdom of God are…

Books Theology

Julie Ferwerda: Raising Hell – Christianity’s most controversial doctrine put under fire!

…reaches into future ages, I believe the true Gospel is that all people for all time will be willingly and joyfully drawn by the unconditional, irresistible, compelling love of a Father into a relationship with Him through His Son. In the end, every knee will have bowed, and every tongue will have confessed Jesus as Lord, giving praise to God (see Rom 14:11, Philippians 2:10).” The website for Julie Ferwerda’s book: Download as pdf: Raising Hell Download abridged version:…

Julie Ferwerda: Raising Hell – Christianity’s most controversial doctrine put under fire!

Julie Ferwerda, author of Raising Hell (image from “Through a very intentional plan that reaches into future ages, I believe the true Gospel is that all people for all time will be willingly and joyfully drawn by the unconditional, irresistible, compelling love of a Father into a relationship with Him through His Son. In the end, every knee will have bowed, and every tongue will have confessed Jesus as Lord, giving praise to God (see Rom 14:11, Philippians 2:10).”…


J. Preston Eby: The Two Hands of God

…no god with Me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of My hand” (Deut. 32:29). Praise God! This is how His righteous hands work, He kills only to make alive and wounds only to heal. He kills only those things that should die and makes alive the things that should live. What beautiful co-ordination in all the works of HIS HANDS!” See also Preston Eby’s website:…

Church History

Andrew Jukes (1815-1901)

…Origen, and owe him many thoughts, especially as to Holy Scripture being an Incarnation, and that it is the Divine Word in creature form, and as it comes out of the heart of man, that is, as man can receive it.” In his classic work The Second Death and the Restitution of All Things from 1867, Jukes explains the meaning of “the second death” mentioned in Revelations, and presents compelling arguments for a biblical universalism. Jukes’ main argument is that…


Marvin R. Vincent: Note on ‘eternal destruction’ (Olethron Aionion)

…heavens and the earth as compared with the eternity of God, “they shall perish” (apolountai). But the perishing is only preparatory to change and renewal. “They shall be changed” (allagesontai). Compare Isa. 51:6,16; 65:22; 2 Pet. 3:13; Rev. 21:1. Similarly, “the Son of man came to save that which was lost” (apololos), Luke 19:10. Jesus charged his apostles to go to the lost (apololota) sheep of the house of Israel, Matt. 10:6, compare 15:24, “He that shall lose (apolese) his…


J. Preston Eby: "If Everyone is Going to be Saved, Why Preach?"

…only a small fraction of them will ever be saved? Why bother? To what end all the labor? The devil gets most of them in the end anyhow! We who know that God will have all men to be saved are really the only people on earth who have REAL PURPOSE in ministering to the lost. Praise God! He has committed unto us the MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION. Now comes the word: “And all things are of God, who has reconciled…


Charles Jennens: Libretto for Händel’s Messiah

…shake all nations; and the desire of all nations shall come. (Haggai 2:6-7) The Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to His temple, even the messenger of the Covenant, whom you delight in; behold, He shall come, saith the Lord of hosts. (Malachi 3:1) 6. Air Alto or soprano But who may abide the day of His coming, and who shall stand when He appeareth? For He is like a refiner’s fire. (Malachi 3:2) 7. Chorus And He shall…


What does it mean to be “born again”? T.F. Torrance on regeneration with Christ

…That we are born again in and through the resurrection of Christ has to do with the unity of humanity with Christ. With early Christian theologians, such as Irenaeus, Athanasius and Gregor of Nyssa, it was a common idea that Christ by his incarnation united himself to humanity, and that humanity in principle rises with Christ in his resurrection. The personal conversion of the sinner comes about, as Torrance explained it, as a result of turning away from our mistaken…


In the Hands of a Happy God: The "No-Hellers" of Central Appalachia

…of earthly life — the absence-from-God’s-blessing torment that sin generates. PBUs further believe that, at the moment of Resurrection, all temporal existence will end as all human-kind joins in a wholly egalitarian heaven, the culmination of Christ’s universal atonement. In researching this book, Dorgan spent considerable time with PBU congregations, interviewing their members and observing their emotionally charged and joyous worship services. He deftly combines lucid descriptions of PBU beliefs with richly texturedvignettes portraying the people and how they live…

Anabaptists Theology

Exceptions to God’s love? A thought on violence and salvation, Anabaptists, Yoder, Barth and Luther

…is the fundamental commandment of God to Christians against killing. But since moral principles are not absolute (only God is), God, in his freedom, can demand Christians to act contrary to that commandment, which is why so-called just war is theoretically possible. God’s demand can, however, only occur existentially, and as a call in particular situations. The possibility that God in his freedom demands acting against the commandment of not killing is a Grenzfall. John Howard Yoder Now, Yoder, in…


Libertinism vs. Christianity?

…or Christian?” non-sensical (this does not make the two ‘compatible’ either, just as ‘football’ and ‘Russia’ are neither incompatible or compatible, even if russians might not be very good at football). Yes, the New Testament contains warnings about libertinism. Especially some passages from the apostle Paul are well-known for that (e.g. 1 Cor 6:9). Paul wrote to specific people at a specific time and place, but his admonitions quickly became a general rule. Christians should be holy, meaning sober, clean,…


Brad Jersak: Her Gates Will Never Be Shut – Hope, Hell, and the New Jerusalem

…possibilities that undermines every presumption. The polyphony of perspectives on hell and hope offered by the prophets, apostles, and Jesus humble our obsessive need to harmonize every text into a neat theological system. But they open the door to the eternal hope found in Revelation 21-22: the City whose gates will never be shut; where the Spirit and Bride perpetually invite the thirsty who are outside the city to “Come, drink of the waters of life.”” Find it here:…


Karl Barth: “God has mercy on us.” Sermon from the Basel prison

Picture from “For God has made all men prisoners, that he may have mercy upon all.” (Rom 11:32) In his groundbreaking commentary on Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, Swiss reformed theologian Karl Barth, noted that Romans 11:32 is the key to understanding Paul’s theology. God’s all-embracing judgment on everything human has only one purpose: All-embracing mercy. God’s ‘no’ cannot be understood apart from his ‘yes’. When Barth during his professorship in Basel started preaching for the inmates in the…


George Klein-Nicolai: The Everlasting Gospel (1705)

…be fulfilled. Secondly, the doctrine of endless damnation makes also many fine words of God’s compassionate heart, and of his universal love and mercy; but if one comes to examine the affair closely, it amounts to this, that in reality God is not so merciful and compassionate at a sinful man. For instance, David, who was a man as we are, had so much compassion for his son Absalom, that he wished to have died for him, because Absalom died…



…all the people.” When Jesus comes to us, he comes to us in all our poverty. He was born on the edge of civilisation, in a manger. Jesus comes to us as one without possesions. Restless, like Cain. But unlike him Jesus accepts his situation. He comes to us as one who does not rely on wealth, but on God alone. And he tells his disciples to do the same … The king is coming! Notes for a sermon for…


Gregory Macdonald: The Evangelical Universalist

…all people will be saved? Can one believe passionately in mission if one does not think that anyone will be lost forever? Could universalism be consistent with the teachings of the Bible? Gregory MacDonald argues that the answer is yes to all of these questions. Weaving together philosophical, theological, and biblical considerations, MacDonald seeks to show that being a committed universalist is consistent with the central teachings of the biblical texts and of historic Christian theology.” Find it at….


Church History

…story of how he … Christoph Blumhardt (1842-1919) Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt (1842-1919) was born at Möttlingen in 1842. Christoph Blumhardt, as his father, Johann Christoph Blumhardt, became known as a mass evangelist and faith healer. The preaching of the Blumhardt’s was radically oriented toward the coming kingdom of God. For a time Christoph Blumhardt was involved with politics as a Social Democrat, but came disillusioned with politics. He gradually developed the idea, that the most radical and active … Is…


Sergius Bulgakov: The Sophiology of Death: Essays on Eschatology: Personal, Political, Universal

…Christ’s redemption. Bulgakov also provides insight into how Christians can strive to bring God’s kingdom to earth in anticipation of the peace and justice of the heavenly Jerusalem. The reader will also find in these pages profound theological reflections on the nature of human death and Christ’s accompaniment of all humans in their dying, based on Bulgakov’s own near-death experience. Together, these essays shed new light on eschatology in all its facets: personal, political, and universal.” Get it here:…

Books Church History Early Christianity

Ilaria Ramelli: The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis

…819) “In fact, the main Patristic supporters of this theory, Origen and Nyssen, did support it in defence of Christian “orthodoxy,” against those which were regarded as the most dangerous heresies of their times, as I have argued: Origen supported it against “Gnosticism” and Marcionism, and Gregory against “Arianism.” (p. 823) Get it at See also J.W. Hansons classic on early Christian universalism from 1899: Universalism The Prevailing Doctrine Of The Christian Church During Its First Five Hundred Years…


Thomas Talbott: The Inescapable Love of God

…bring life to all persons through Christ. As we shall see, these statements are neither obscure nor incidental; indeed, the lengths to which some have gone to explain them away is itself a testimony to their clarity and power.” – Thomas Talbott. Talbott is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Willamette University. Read more on Thomas Talbott’s book here or find it at Three chapters from the first edition are available as PDF: Chapter 3 : A Legacy of Fear…