By Jeff Martin
Jeff Martin, wrote the book “Optimism Out of Control.” Like many he has defended Universal Restoration with Biblical arguments concerning 1) God’s free will to save mankind, 2) mankind’s lack of free will to save ourselves, 3) the meaning of “aion”, 4) the temporal nature of afterlife punishment, 5) and Christ’s atonement of all mankind as the Second Adam and new federal head of all humanity. These arguments are nothing new.
Also see Jeff Martin’s website: Discipled by the Grace of Jesus Christ
Jeff’s additional contributions to the discussion include the observation that Hades and the Lake of Fire do not the serve the same purpose. Unbelieving man is punished temporally in Hades, while the Lake of Fire is prepared to damn only Satan and his angels for The Ages of The Ages. Jeff also observes the “Hosea Strategy” which is essential for a consistent Biblical hermeneutic. Jesus followed the example of Hosea as well as followed his own counsel in Proverbs to speak foolishness to the fool, calling his stubborn lost sheep, “not my sheep.”
So after decades of defeat in a wrestling match with grace Jeff is now thankful to offer a helping hand to those seeking escape from confusion and even self-righteous deception. Read his book, “Optimism Out of Control” to discover the awesome Biblical news that God loves you… because he loves all mankind!
Jeff thanks God for the patience and prayers of many Christians and especially a few Christians who showed him grace while he thrashed through life searching for the answers that were right in front of him, to God be the glory.